We believe that our commitment will cause souls to come to Christ and become saved believers. Growing in wisdom and knowledge of God through his holy word by serving the Church at large.
Who do we serve?
We serve the church, congregation at large. Aiding the Pastor in responsibilities of the Church and taking care of the physical needs of the congregation and community.
When do we meet?
Every 1st Monday of the month @ 6:00pm.
Responsibilities and duties of members
Leading Sunday morning devotion (per monthly schedule).
Serving Communion every first Sunday of the month.
Conducting Baptism service as scheduled.
Visiting the sick and shut-in.
Leading Tuesday night prayer service.
Teaching New Members Class.
Most importantly studying God’s word to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen needing not to be ashamed, rightly dividing God’s word (2 Timothy 2:15).
How do others get involved?
Must be appointed.
Dea. Joseph Andrews Dea. William Hemby Dea. Phillip Bryant – Secretary Dea. James Harrell Dea. Verna Gibbs – Treasurer Dea. Jackie Pemberton Dea. Larry Edwards Dea. William Kelly Dea. Michael Ellison Dea. Eric Rogers