Upcoming Events
Health & Wellness for the Month
Health & Wellness for the Month
107th Church Anniversary Celebration
107th Church Anniversary Celebration
BLACK HISTORY – Living Legacy Brunch
BLACK HISTORY – Living Legacy Brunch
Physical Fitness Training Classes
Physical Fitness Training Classes
Bible Study
Bible Study
Zoom Online ID: 779 777 579 Pass: 260588
Physical Fitness Training Classes
Physical Fitness Training Classes
Blessing Boutique Free Clothing
Blessing Boutique Free Clothing
New Members Class
New Members Class
New Members Class – Sundays 9:00 am IN-PERSON ONLY
Weekly Services
St. Matthew’s UFW Baptist Church 400 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut 06511 203-777-0472
Dial-in: (646) 876-9923
Meeting ID: 779 777 579
Password: 260588
Our goal is to empower and equip believers with the full Armor of God.
If you would like to be involved in any of our ministries, please contact us. We would love to have you as a part of our church and the family of God!

Unison freewill. Come as you are
As you move about your daily tasks, I would encourage you to notice the smallest wonders of God’s hand. His works are awesome to behold and you are one of his greatest works of beauty. God wants to do something glorious and majestic in your life.
Saint Matthew’s Church Family makes a commitment to strive to live at peace with our fellowman, praying for them and our church family that we will continue to grow in the knowledge of God and that in our everyday walk we are “Love on Display”. I believe we will continue to see victory in our own lives but more importantly in the lives of others. It is our prayer that the greatest testimony will be that God has deposited His love in our hearts.
Thank you for visiting our website and we encourage you to continue to do so. It is our prayer that you visit us in cyberspace or as our personal guest in the space of our sanctuary that you are impacted by the love of God that has been imparted in us. Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope that you are continuing to feel rejuvenated and excited about what God is doing in the lives of his people.
Wishing you God’s best,
Pastor Kevin C. Hardy
Lady Valerie L. Hardy